
How to import customers and invoices into SimplePin

April 20, 2023

SimplePin provides an easy way to import a large number of customers and invoices into our database. This method can also be used as a simple alternative to SimplePin's API.

To start importing:

  1. Find the article "How to import customers and invoices into SimplePin" in the blog of our website. The easiest way to find this article is to visit our home page and click on the article "How does SimplePin work?" The article will be listed at the bottom of the page.
  2. Download the MS Excel template document from import-template.xlsx You can also download a working example of the document from import-example.xlsx
  3. Add your data to the document
  4. Log into SimplePin. Under menu item Invoices, click on Imports.
  5. Browse and find the file from where you saved it.
  6. You will be presented with a preview of your import:
  7. A number of records which will be successfully imported
  8. A number of records with issues. If you would would like to review the records with issues, then download the error file. Review and fix the issues, so that you could import the file again.
  9. If you decided to import the records, click on the CONFIRM button.
  10. As soon as the import is completed, please validate the imported data.
  11. To review customers please go to customers / list
  12. To review imported invoices go to invoices / list

Note that if during the import process the system finds a customer with the same customer ID and new data, the customer's information will then be updated. If the invoice ID found in the system is different from the previous record, then the invoice will be reopened and resent to a customer.

Description of the import document format

Our template document is divided in two sections. The section with the columns highlighted in blue specifies the customer's details. The section in green specifies the invoice details. If you want to import or update customers only, you can easily do so without specifying any invoice information. At the same time, invoices can't be imported without the customer's details.

When you import data into SimplePin, we verify if the customer ID and email address in Excel is consistent with the customer ID in our database. We also create a new record in the event that the customer does not exist. If during the import process we find that the customer does exist, we then update the company's customer details. If the new information is different, we then update entries in our database. Similarly, the same process works for invoice entries, except in this case we validate the invoices by invoice ID.

Customer information

Want to know more about SimplePin? Call our toll free number: 1 800 727-4136. You can also email us at, or contact us through our website at or request a demo with one of our product specialists.

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